Some issues, such as union membership and minimum wage, are. Arizona Labor Laws FAQ.For example, no one under 16 can work more than three hours on a school day or eight hours on a nonschool day, for a total of 18 hours a week. For example, employers cannot fire an employee based upon their race, national origin, disability, age over 40, and other protected statuses. There is no federal law or Arizona state law that says employers must provide breaks and lunches. The WARN Act notices must be given at least 60 calendar days prior to plant closings or mass layoffs. Various laws require employers to post mandatory employee notices so that all employees have easy access to view the information. Arizona defines a workweek as any consecutive 7 days. Introduction. With all the time we spend at work, it's no surprise that employment law is such a major issue in the United States. Protects qualified applicants and employees with disabilities from discrimination in all aspects of employment (e.g.