Our experienced Riverside employment lawyers are here to help. The mission of the California Labor Commissioner's Office is to ensure a just day's pay in every workplace in the State and to promote economic justice.Please call Theory Law at (310) 500-0206 to speak with a Riverside employment attorney. Call the Riverside employment law attorneys at The Dominguez Firm for a free and completely confidential consultation at 800-818-1818. Call a Riverside employment law attorney at Eldessouky Law. Dial (714) 409-8991 or fill out the contact form on this web page. Walker Law stands up for workers. Our Riverside Employment attorneys are here to hold employers accountable for violating your rights. The Employee Handbook is intended to educate new employees and serve as a resource for current employees. Workplace Rights Law Group LLP is a southern California law firm dedicated to protecting and enforcing the rights of employees.