The mission of the California Labor Commissioner's Office is to ensure a just day's pay in every workplace in the State and to promote economic justice. A new work permit application must be filled out for each new job.A legal document assistant is a non-lawyer authorized under state law to help people complete their own legal tasks and legal documents. Permit and licensing fees will double, and work cannot begin again until a permit is issued. The Tax Department is streamlining withholding tax and wage reporting forms and Web File applications. All covered employees are required to submit to drug and alcohol tests as a condition of employment. Business Licenses and Permits. The following links will help ensure businesses are properly licensed, and, if needed, registered with the state. Information about full-time and part-time jobs working for the NYC Parks Department. The attorneys at Ferraro Vega have experience handling all types of employment law matters in Riverside, CA. Contact us today for a consultation.