An employee's request to withdraw their resignation is subject to administration's discretion. c. (1) After giving notice, an employee may not withdraw the resignation or retirement unless the agency head or designee consents to the withdrawal.Withdrawal of a resignation must be in writing and must be delivered to the supervisor within this twentyfour (24) hour period. I am going to quit my job, Idaho states that I do not need to give notice, our master contract at work says a 30 day. The secretary for Piercey typed up a letter of resignation. For purposes of unemployment benefit eligibility, attempting to rescind a voluntary resignation does not change the nature of the separation. Some companies may have policies in place to handle retractions that require you to fill out forms with the human resources department. Justia Business Contracts. Employment Agreement ¶¶ 6.13 (choice of law). He uses LCR to print the recommends. 26.3.1.