Washington's Best Resource on the Ever-Changing Laws Governing the Employer-Employee Relationship. Employment in Washington: A Guide to Employment Laws, Regulations and Practices ; eBook: mobi 4th Edition.This third edition brings in one place the general knowledge to accomplish this difficult task. The Deskbook provides clear and concise explanations of legal requirements, sample employment policies and forms, and links to useful government websites. If you're looking to form a labor union at your workplace then Staughten Lynd's "Labor Law for the Rank and Filer" is excellent. Are there a couple good books or podcasts that would get a newbie up to speed on basic US labor law and are consumer friendly for the non-expert? This Washington employment law overview reviews requirements employers should know if they have employees working in the state. The SHRM Essential Guide to Employment Lawis your One-Stop Legal Reference to Employment Law. Ignoring labor and employment laws can be costly for your business. One misstep could lead to a litany of litigation and penalties.