We've compiled the internet's largest list of FREE nonprofit templates, worksheets, and guides you can use for everything your organization might need. This guide will walk you through the basic steps to start your nonprofit in Pennsylvania.We're even going to share a few nonprofit board resolution templates with you to help make your resolution-writing much easier. Sample investment policies for nonprofit organizations. Organizations complete a separate Schedule A (Form 990-T) to calculate UBTI for each of its trades or businesses. To begin creating your Pennsylvania nonprofit, visit the Online Nonprofit page on the Nolo website. What types of nonprofits can I form in Pennsylvania? State laws such as Pennsylvania's require governing board authorization of real estate transactions and specify what constitutes authorization. When you are ready to start your nonprofit, plan to incorporate and apply for 501(c) status, as these are important steps to fully achieve your goal. Each year the IRS requires most tax-exempt organizations to submit the Form 990 and its relations, which includes the following items.