1. I authorize and request payroll deduction(s) for the benefits I have selected. 2. In addition to this form, all 11th and 12th grade students must also complete the FERPA Opt-Out Notification Form provided in the Code of Student Conduct.Learn what an acknowledgement receipt is and how to create one for your business (with a template and two examples). I would like to express my deepest appreciation to all those who provided me the possibility to complete this report. Family Court Records Request Form Downloads, Self Service Forms, E-Filing. Contact Information: Central Courthouse, Brenda D. Forman, Clerk of Court. If you would prefer to complete all required forms electronically, please access the Back to. No experience, sign and date form. 2. Self Reporting Form. 3. Student Acknowledgement: I will complete an individual entry into the Broward County Science Fair.