Discover practical tips for writing book acknowledgements and expressing gratitude to those who contributed to your writing journey. Any Other Required Information.My acknowledgment follows a similarly simple route, as I spell out in detail the reasons I am thanking Tiffany and the Book In A Box team. The Acknowledgments section is where you recognize and thank everyone who helped you. An acknowledgment is one of the most common types of notarial acts, but it often confuses Notaries. Here are 5 steps to performing an acknowledgment. Book acknowledgements are your way to connect with readers and name the people who were instrumental in getting your book written. A book acknowledgment is a page or section of the book that allows authors to thank everyone who has helped them complete the book. Learn the different types of notarial certificates, what is a notary acknowledgment, and how to fill out one using PandaDoc Notary. If the notary public is executing an acknowledgment certificate, the notary does not have to witness the signer sign the document being notarized.