With the deepest gratitude and appreciation, I humbly give thanks to the people who patiently helped me in making my on the job training possible. In the utmost of appreciations, the trainees would like to give appreciation for their imparted invaluable knowledge, time and effort.To my Tita Helen Arbis for allowing me to stay in their house, providing may everyday needs and for taking care of me during my OJT days. Work Immersion will help develop among the learner's life and career skills and will prepare them to make decisions on postsecondary education or employment. A Thriller in Rhyme. Please fill out the online application indicating your availability. Menlo College is a small, private, non-profit Silicon Valley school that focuses on business education with a strong liberal arts emphasis. Our goal is to expose diverse students to the exciting world of science, research, and medicine! WUE Provides Students Greater Access to College with Reduced Tuition Rates at Participating Schools. Reservation Request Form. 1.