A copy of the acknowledgment of receipt of the disclosure must be provided to the person signing it. The Funeral Rule requires you to give consumers accurate, itemized price information and various other disclosures about funeral goods and services.A form for the employee to sign acknowledging receipt of the policies. Following are samples of these provisions. The Notice explains how we fulfill our commitment to respect the privacy and confidentiality of your protected health information. Although FOIA's main purpose is to inform the public of the operations of the federal government, the act's drafters also sought to protect. The Rules herein providing for a duty of disclosure shall constitute a discovery request within the meaning of the North Carolina Rules of. Section B: Receipt Acknowledgement. With a jurat, however, the document must be signed in the presence of a Notary. Please be aware that as a matter of professional courtesy, many senators will acknowledge, but not respond to, a message from another senator's constituent.