When appealing an award letter to ask for more financial aid, a college may ask you to write a letter expressing the reasons behind your appeal. It is standard Collin procedure not to award any financial assistance until verification is completed. Deadlines.Complete each budget category detail template. Instructions for completing each budget category detail template are in a separate document. Your letter should clearly state the facts of your family's financial situation and your financial need. By submitting a financial assistance application, you give your consent for us to make necessary inquiries to confirm financial obligations and information. List which accounts are at which banks, the names of your financial advisors, account numbers, access codes and anything else needed to wind down your finances. The document provides two sample request letters asking for financial assistance to pay hospital bills. Montefiore Einstein leadership upholds excellence in research, education and care, confirming our role as a premier academic health system. Registration is complete only upon full payment of tuition.