This is a comprehensive list of forms, applications, checklists and guidelines for permitting, plan review, inspections and more. Fill out all requested information and upload the Request for the Letter of Interpretation.The Student Petition Process provides students with a process to request a grade change from D, F, or U to a withdrawal without refund (W grade). On this page, you will find: Document Checklists: These checklists outline the required documents for the most common application types. All documents posted below in PDF format must be filed with the court in PDF format. District template must be used. Submittal of Charter School Applications. 1. Completely fill out all three (3) Diligent Search Letters (Form B) with your information, the other party's information and have them NOTARIZED. If filing online: The registered agent must type their name in the signature block. ο IN THE COUNTY COURT IN AND FOR MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA.