This form is not required to complete your expense report but your agency may request it. Complete your expense report within 30 days of your trip.Employers can deduct travel expenses paid or incurred during a temporary work assignment if the assignment length does not exceed one year. Travel expenses are the ordinary and necessary expenses of traveling away from home for your business, profession, or job. As a general rule of thumb, don't write off an expense unless you can prove it relates to work. You must be "away from home" to deduct travel expenses. For every day you are on business travel, you can deduct 100 percent of lodging, tips, car rentals, and 50 percent of your food. Using pre-tax income to pay for commuting will reduce monthly expenses for most employees. Employees traveling on the New York State Thruway while on official business via personal car are eligible for reimbursement of actual toll expenses incurred. Upon your return, fill out your travel expense reimbursement form in CUNYFIRST and adjust expenses to reflect the actual pricing for travel.