This form is not required to complete your expense report but your agency may request it. Complete your expense report within 30 days of your trip.Attach a completed and approved Expense Reimbursement Form or Travel Advance Form to the email. When travelling for business purposes, not only the transporation portion is deductible, but also lodging while away as well as meals. If you travel away from home overnight on business, you can deduct these travel expenses: Airline, train, or bus fares — This includes first-class. For every day you are on business travel, you can deduct 100 percent of lodging, tips, car rentals, and 50 percent of your food. If you want to deduct your business expenses, you must complete Form 2106 and itemize your deductions. There are two ways to deduct business travel expenses when you're using your own vehicle. Actual expenses method; Standard mileage rate method. Instructions on how to obtain pre-approval using the ERS can be found at Financial Services - Travel Advance and Expenses.