If you cannot afford the filing fee, file a Fee Waiver at the same time you file your Name Change forms. Before you complete this petition, read the Instructions for Filing a Petition for Change of Name (form NC-100-INFO).This Understanding the Name Change Process in Sacramento guide includes answers to commonly asked questions and sample filled out forms. Changing a name after the marriage is solemnized requires a court order and can be a lengthy, expensive process. The first step in legally changing your name is to file a Petition for Name Change with the California court in the county where you reside. Name Change Workshop Explains how to complete the legal forms to change your name, and what steps to take after you file. You must be a resident of Sacramento County in order to file a Petition for Change of Name in this court. Street, for further direction in filling out your documents. Nonbinary gender marker, name change, court process. Where do I file and what forms should I use?