This is the easiest way to electronically fill out the forms and prevent losing any information that you've entered. : Marque (✓) "SÃ" o "No" para indicar si usted o alguien que vive con usted tiene gastos por cuidado de menores o de dependientes (por ejemplo, un padre.Please print and fill out the below form. Please bring it with you on the day of your tax appointment. Indique los ingresos de su empresa como importe neto. Este importe neto se calcula restando los gastos totales de su empresa de sus recibos brutos (ingresos). What do you need to do when you have property that has not yet reached the dormancy period and you'd like to report early? It may be filed only in a Pennsylvania magisterial district court and not in the Philadelphia Municipal Court. Print Name of Person Completing Form. Signature. Date. Address.