ESA applications are currently being accepted for the next contract year (2024-2025). You can search for reports, forms, policies and pamphlet and posters with information about specific programs and services.Account Holders can also contact the ESA Support Line at 602-364-1969 or with a HelpDesk ticket to learn if a specific account will be affected. The City of Phoenix Head Start Birth to Five Program goals were created through an interactive process comprised. Our CDA training and CDA renewal training prepares CDA applicants for obtaining and renewing their National CDA credential. Begin your journey to teacher licensure in your state to make an impact in the classroom. University of Phoenix's dedicated team supports you. Learn about the Early Learning Program Accreditation process and standards for ensuring high-quality experiences for children in early learning programs. The purpose of this form is to acknowledge paternity for a child born out of wedlock, in the state of Arizona. ICWA provides guidance to States regarding the handling of child abuse and neglect and adoption cases involving Native children and sets minimum standards.