Filed application for patent filed in the United States may claim the benefit of, or priority to, a prior application filed in the United States. A priority date patent establishes the priority date as the earliest date an application may claim precedence.Yes, you can claim priority to any provisional that was filed within one year of the filing date of the nonprovisional application. The priority date is the date you filed the first application. The date you first file a patent application for your invention establishes what is known as a "priority date". A priority claim is made to an earlierfiled patent application. For example, an Applicant can claim priority in a later-filed patent application. (in months from priority date) (status on 7 January 2025). A provisional application is a faster, less expensive application used to establish a priority date with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. In the case of applying for a patent via the PCT procedure, the same filing date applies as that of the original application in the Netherlands.