Prior to writing claim answer these questions: • What is the invention? • What are the pieces and parts that make up the invention?The specification, including the abstract and claims, must have lines that are 1.5 or doublespaced in a single column of text. Getting a patent in Florida is the same as any other state. The patent application is filed with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). Fort Lauderdale patent attorney, Nancy Flint, is a registered patent attorney with experience helping clients acquire patents around the world. Patent ClaimMaster is a software tool for automating patent proofreading, patent drafting, office action shell generation, and patent downloading. Patent rights are "territorial," meaning that they are only enforceable in the country that issued the patent. It is possible to prepare and file your own provisional patent application. Samuel Ford Stark, Woody Clermont and Alejandro "Alex" Arreaza have stepped up to run for the Group 10 judicial seat on the Broward County Court bench.