Consul General met Dr. Jennifer Cowley, President of The University of Texas at Arlington and also interacted with Indian students. The state trademark registration secures the exclusive right to use a mark within Texas, prohibits unauthorized use, and enhances brand recognition.Register your name, logo, or business online in minutes and stay protected. If you use your mark in interstate commerce, you can apply to register it with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). Henry Harvin® Trademark Law Course Training Certification- Best 8 modules to learn Trademark law in-depth from the industry experts. We provide service mark registration services in Texas for registering a trademark which includes both goods and services. We have one of the largest legal practices of international law firms in the Asia Pacific region. We have one of the largest legal practices of international law firms in the Asia Pacific region. Discuss your trademark registration and enforcement options with an attorney today. Call (713) 909-7323 or contact us online.