In need of a skilled Riverside patent attorney or trademark lawyer? CIONCA IP offers top-notch intellectual property legal services in Riverside.Log in to access forms. Select the type of form listed below for direct links to TEAS and TEASi forms. We can help you with everything from your trademark search and application to enforcing your trademark and dealing with violations. Use this page to learn how to file your trademark documents and pay your fee if you can't do so online and today is your deadline. These offices provide access to USPTO electronic and print patent and trademark resources, all of which are available at no cost. We're going to talk about how to file your own trademark application with the united states patent and trademark office. Though trademarks may seem like a topic reserved for large corporations and established businesses, it's never too soon to protect your branding. RIVERSIDE COUNTY 1925 MISSION BRIDGE EPHEMERA TRADEMARK PATENT LETTER CALIFORNIA ; Item Number.