You can register your trademark at the trademark registry, Ministry of industry, Trade and Investment, Abuja Nigeria. The validity term of a trademark in Nigeria is 7 years from the filing date and renewable for the successive periods of 14 years.File your Trademarks, Patents and Designs Online. Get your acknowledgement letter immediately you file and your acceptance document within 2 weeks. The first step to obtaining a federal trademark registration for your brand is preparing a federal trademark application. Application-Acknowledgement: Fill the necessary prescribed form for the Trademark application. ApplicationtoRegistration term: It takes approximately 1218 months in order to successfully register your Nigerian trademark rights. Application and management information, including forms for a Utah Trademark that registers with the Utah Division of Corporations and Commercial Code. CF Montréal have signed midfielder Michael Adedokun through 2025 with options from 202628, the club announced Saturday. Find your new home at Del Webb, the leading builder of Active Adult communities for those 55 and older.