More information is available on our website: filing patent applications or filing trademark applications. Conducting a Santa Clara County Trademark Search is the first step in the San Jose Trademark application filing process.The Secretary of State's office maintains registration and all updates of California state trademarks and service marks. California residents have access to a host of unique resources and assistance in their state. Our California team is your premier partner for securing European patents and trade marks, ensuring your IP portfolio is robustly protected in Europe. These offices provide access to USPTO electronic and print patent and trademark resources, all of which are available at no cost. Attorneys must meet stringent qualifications and prove they practice in the area of law they're verified in. The Secretary of State's office maintains registration and all updates of California state trademarks and service marks. Patent infringement and interference: we don't file for patents, but we protect patents vigorously when they are violated. Having a registered trademark can be valuable for protecting a company's intellectual property and brand identity.