Application and management information, including forms for a Utah Trademark that registers with the Utah Division of Corporations and Commercial Code. Please include in your email your phone number, serial or registration number, and a screenshot of any error message you may have received. Instructions.The first step to obtaining a federal trademark registration for your brand is preparing a federal trademark application. To file TEAS and TEASi forms, select a form listed below. You will need to create a USPTO. Resources are available for Utah residents to help inventors and entrepreneurs learn more about protecting their intellectual property. Five applications were sent to the US Patent and Trademark Office for the new Utah NHL franchise on Tuesday. Sam IP's patent and trademark lawyers provide patent, trademark, and copyright services for clients in Lehi, Utah as well as throughout Utah and all 50 states. However, the University of Utah's policies require that a patent application must be completed prior to publication. Get helpful tips and info from our newsletter!