You have to provide information about the trademark, name of the applicant and contact numbers for registering your office. In order to proceed, if you want any trademark protection service or info in Washington, please submit all the details and fill up the below query form.RCW 19.77 sets out Washington's trademark registration law. Washington's law is modeled after the Model State Trademark Bill (MSTB). The new measures largely aim to streamline the trademark prosecution process in India, and to improve the recognition of wellknown marks at the registry level. Simply fill out the form and we will contact you as soon as possible. Washington D.C. Office. Paul Kilmer is a Washington, DC, attorney who is recognized as a leader in domestic and international trademark and copyright matters. How do I file a Trademark Registration? See RCW 19.77 for guidance and what is required to register a Trademark in the State of Washington.