Employees utilizing Take Home vehicles must reside within Bexar County or San Antonio city limits. When turning in a Fleet Services vehicle, members shall: 1.Clean and refuel the vehicle;. 2. Affidavit of Motor Vehicle Gift Transfer. An employee or a department assigned a county vehicle is required to complete a Parking Access Form for issuance of a Prox Card. c. Application shall mean the written request for a permit agreement or drivers permit. Contract with the TxDMV to access Texas motor vehicle records via the internet. Upon written request, the chief appraiser must extend the deadline to May 15th. To report a vehicle stolen, complete and submit the Stolen Vehicle Affidavit (Form 180-SVA)(PDF, 249KB) to the Vehicle Crimes Unit. The employee agrees to operate the vehicle in such a manner that will not expose the company to any out of the ordinary liability or risk.