When buying a vehicle or equipment for your business, use this Vehicle and Equipment Purchase Agreement to protect yourself from unwarranted liabilities. (1) The State has entered into a certain contract with the Assignor, namely: Contract Number.Build your Consignment Agreement in just minutes using this Consignment Agreement PDF Template. You can prepare an Agreement for a Joint Purchase using the form included here. Simply fill in the details of your joint purchase. With a parking ticket payment plan, you can pay the total amount you owe for parking ticket judgment debt in installments, rather than all at once. A vehicle sales agreement is a lawful arrangement summarizing the terms and conditions of a vehicle sale between a customer and a seller. Please be aware that forms will be displayed in a NEW browser window. "Southern cooking is very flavorful on its own, and Korean ingredients add a spice element that just kind of kicks it up. Get Dean's reviews and AList interviews delivered right to your inbox.