This state term contract provides rental vehicles for in-state and out-of-state travel; daily, weekly, and monthly rates are provided for 12 car classes. How to fill out the Florida Rental Vehicles Contract No. 78111808-20-1?1. Read through the entire contract to understand its terms. 2. A car rental agreement template is signed between the owner of the car and the person renting as a mutual agreement that the car was taken in good condition. Make sure you have a clear Vehicle Leasing Agreement. How to fill out the Broward County Florida Rental Car Lease Agreement? The Rental Agreement is the document you sign when you pick up your vehicle (generally headed. A car rental agreement is a form of a legal document that is filled in and signed when someone is in need of car hiring services. A Contract Hire Agreement is a document that outlines the terms and conditions between a vehicle owner and a hirer. Vehicle rental form.