A real estate marketing agreement is a strategic union between a real estate broker or a developer and a mortgage or title company. Cook County Lease Addendum.There are some more nuanced items you should be sure to include in your real estate purchase contract, including the financing terms and closing date. Today I'd like to show you how to fill out a subject to contract. This guide will help you to understand the changes and the proper way to fill out the forms. Call 855-HEY-JEFF or fill out the form below! What is an example of agency in a contract? There is no set standard - its negotiable (as is the commission) between you and the broker who is listing your property. Owner agrees to pay Listing Agency a commission for its services in the following manner: a. Broker for Buyer, if any, otherwise Broker for Seller, is authorized to communicate with the mortgage lender(s) to assist in the mortgage loan process.