Using City Clerk Online, you can fill out applications and submit them online directly to the Office of the City Clerk. Print out the form, write in your information, and mail it, along with your payment, to the address provided on the form.I am over the age of eighteen (18) and competent to testify of my own knowledge to the following. 2. Declaración Jurada de Viajero. MEGAN CLARK-JIMENEZ, DECLARACIÓN JURADA DEL MÉDICO DESPUÉS DE LA REASIGNACIÓN DEL SEXO. Real estate excise tax forms ; Single location Affidavit. Frisco ISD requires families to provide proof of residency each year as a final step in the annual registration process. Please see the links below for instructions and a list of documents needed to complete your enrollment. Distrito Escolar Del Condado De Clark. Please write legibly.