First and last name(s), alias(es). Pdf and print it out.TO PROCESS SERVER: You must serve the affidavit and claim no later than 7 days before the hearing date and file proof of service with the court clerk. The affidavit typically includes detailed information about how and when the service was performed, the identity of the recipient, and other relevant details. Michigan Legal Help has tools to fill many kinds of forms but we do not cover all areas. You may have a blank form that you need to fill out on your own. To get statements from a witness that can be introduced as evidence in court. Affidavit of Service: An affidavit used to provide proof that legal documents, such as court summons or notices, were properly served to a party in a lawsuit. Affidavit of Service: Provides proof of service of legal documents to a party in a lawsuit. If you go to the court in person, print all four copies of the form after completing it. 4.