Use the form with the boxes to guide you through filling out the blank form. Sign your full name on the signature line (see (f) in Sample Form 25).Print the address where the legal paper was served. Box 10: Check the manner of service, i.e. Common for notices and to notify of a court hearing. Download Pennsylvania Affidavit of Service template, modify and send for signing using BoloForms Signature. I, Thomas Morgan, verify that I am the Petitioner in the within petition, and that the facts contained in the foregoing petition are true and correct. Affidavit of Service: An affidavit used to provide proof that legal documents, such as court summons or notices, were properly served to a party in a lawsuit. Then complete and file a Certificate of Service with the Prothonotary. Your spouse has twenty (20) days to respond to the Affidavit of Separation.