A North Carolina sublease agreement is a legal contract that allows a tenant to act as a sublessor and rent their leased property to another tenant. A valid sublease in North Carolina requires written approval from the landlord and a detailed sublease agreement.Here is a sample sublease agreement you can fill out or use as a template. Customer: I signed a sublease in North Carolina and gave my security deposit and rent to the leasor. I have lived here for one month. Subletting your apartment could help you save money. It also lets you keep your apartment for when you return. Create your free North Carolina sublease agreement and sublet your property. If written consent is not obtained from the landlord within five (5) days, this Agreement shall terminate within any money paid to the Tenant to be refunded. Unless there is a restriction in the lease stating otherwise, the interest of the tenant can be assigned or subleased without the landlord's consent.