To enter the father's name on your child's birth certificate and to change the child's name, please complete the enclosed affidavit forms. Be careful when you fill out your baby's full name and your mailing address.Correcting a birth certificate can cost money or even require a trip to court. You may need to fill out and attach a separate Notary certificate if there is no room on the document for your Notary signature. Print out the form, write in your information, and mail it, along with your payment, to the address provided on the form. Use this form only to request an NYC birth certificate. The easy answer: Yes, you may notarize out-of-state documents. If one parent is deceased, submit a death certificate with request. To correct a BIRTH CERTIFICATE, the person signing this affidavit must be the person of record, his or her parent, guardian or legal representative. The Clerk's Office operates as a link to all municipal departments welcoming residents' inquiries and providing information to the public.