The applicant for a Texas driver license or identification card must complete Section A. A. Applicant Information. Name. Residence Address. City. State.Individuals who are unable to provide two acceptable documents may be eligible to complete a Texas Residency Affidavit. How to fill out Texas residency affidavit? For notaries commissioned or recommissioned on and after January 1, 2016, the seal must also contain the notary public's Secretary of State ID number. Instructions for completing an Absent Applicant Affidavit. ALL Affidavit's must be Notarized. The organization must provide a notarized letter verifying that they receive mail or services for the individual or completed Texas Residency Affidavit (DL-5). The completed and notarized Affidavit of Absent Applicant. To fill out the Texas Residency Affidavit, you'll need someone who lives at the same address as you.