You can get the affidavit here(PDF, 152KB). 1. We are each other's sole Domestic Partner and intend to remain so indefinitely;. 2.In front of a notary public, sign and print your name swearing that you meet the requirements of. Domestic Partnership ordinance (both partners must sign). 7. Filing a declaration of domestic partnership allows for visitation rights at health care, correctional and juvenile facilities among registered couples. Both partners must sign the document, and a notary public must attest to its legitimacy. Continue to meet all of the applicable Domestic Partnership eligibility requirements. Form must be legible, and both partners must sign the application before a Notary Public. When applying in person, you must bring with you two individuals to witness and sign the Affidavit of Application. We are each other's sole domestic partner and not legally married to another person of the opposite sex or in a domestic partnership with another person.