Please complete both pages of this Affidavit, have the Affidavit notarized, and return the Affidavit to your Human. Resource Representative.A legal document acknowledging that a couple is engaged in a domestic partnership or in a relationship and living together. There is now a Countywide Domestic Partnership Registry. The City has been proud to provide this service from 2012-2015. Notarization is avaiable without charge in the offices of the City Clerk. Affidavit - a written statement in which the facts stated are sworn or affirmed to be true. After you have completed the forms and have signed and notarized them, make 2 complete copies of everything you have signed (one copy is for your records). Several states and municipalities still recognize domestic partnership rights, providing a registry, extension of benefits, or both. Must be signed in the presence of the notary public or deputy clerk.