This article and video will show Notaries to fill out each part of a notarial certificate, and common mistakes to avoid. Pennsylvania Affidavit Templates.Use our Affidavit template to swear to the truthfulness of a statement or fact. â—‹ Notarized name must match document name and signature. â—‹ Is it an original document or a certified copy? Your signature on a notarial certificate matches the name printed on your notary commission: first name, last name. APPLICANT AFFIDAVIT: I am at least 18 years of age; a citizen or permanent legal resident of the United States; a resident of or have a place of employment in. How do I fill this out? To fill out this form, gather all necessary documents and details related to your unreimbursed business expenses. There are three types of taxes to be considered: Pennsylvania inheritance tax, federal estate tax, and income tax.