This tool allows Pennsylvania notaries public and prospective notaries public to apply for and renew their notary commissions in an efficient paperless process. The applicant should record the commission, executed bond and oath form in the Recorder of Deeds in the county where their office is located.This file contains the official application form for becoming a Notary Public in Pennsylvania. Detailed interactive instructions on how to fill out a Pennsylvania Notary application. 1. Gather all necessary personal and employment information. In this video, we show you how to properly fill out your notary application! Complete the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of State Notary Public Application form following the detailed instructions for each section. Notaries public must record their oath of office, completed bond, and commission with the Department of Records. The Pennsylvania Public Application form is a critical document for individuals seeking to become notaries public in the state of Pennsylvania. In some states, this is the signature that you signed on your Notary application or oath of office form.