Contact the authorized education provider to complete a one-hour class. Obtain a certificate to show successful completion of the class.Ohio Notary Institute, Phone number: 614.336.7878. Applicants for an Ohio Notary Public commission are required to take a threehour Notary training course from a stateapproved education and testing provider. We help you fulfill all Ohio Notary Public requirements. Our Step-by-Step Checklist makes it easy to become a Notary. Once you complete the 1-hour education, Ohio Notary Services will issue you a certificate, which you will need to upload to the Secretary of State's website. Your path to becoming a Notary is made easier with Cyberize It Courses. Schedule-friendly training and helpful downloads for exam prep. NOTE: You can take the class up to 12 months prior and submit your background check up to 6 months prior to submitting your application.