Email attachment resumés: If you email your résumé as an attachment, us your name in the document title. What should I be working on this semester?• What are some good action steps for me to take this semester if I'm not sure what I want o do after graduation? Learn how to write a cover letter for a confidential job posting so you can impress hiring managers even without knowing the company's name. ✓ E-mail attachment resumes: If you e-mail your resume as an attachment, use your name in the document title. First, use Choose attachment type to select the type, and then use the Upload button. A cover letter shows an employer how your experience qualifies you for a particular position. It should always represent who YOU are and what you are intending to communicate about YOURSELF to your potential employer! A resume is not a complete work. Please attach a cover letter and a recent writing sample (comparable to 2-3 pages, double spaced) to your application that demonstrates your writing abilities.