The Red Vest designation recognizes places that are welcoming and accessible to people with disabilities and are committed to public access rights. Under the ADA, your dog isn't required to wear a special vest, harness, or tag that identifies the dog as a service animal.Service dogs get federal protection under the Americans with Disabilities Act to go many places ordinary pups aren't allowed. A pet care agreement is a formal contract that defines the terms of pet-sitting services between the pet owner and the pet sitter. My reactive little girl is an ESA and I wanted to verify if the vest has to be red or is red only for Service Animals. The term often refers to Standard Mail service, which has such a price structure and, in the past, displayed the class marking BULK RATE (or abbreviation BLK. There are more than 70 careers to choose from at the US Fish and Wildlife Service. No, service animals aren't required to wear a vest. In fact, service animals aren't required to wear any form of identification.