Prior to the performance of Services under this Contract, ARE shall furnish the. We'll cover what should be included in aservice agreement, client profile, a pet profile, and pet care contract templates found online.Visit our website to fill out the application, print it then click submit. Find out about pet insurance, financing, and other payment options available at Riverside Animal Hospital. Pet insurance pays, partly or in total, for veterinary treatment of the insured person's ill or injured pet. Some policies will pay out when the pet dies. Two such animals may be kept on each 20,000 square feet up to one acre and two such animals for each additional acre. We're a personalized, insured, professional cat-sitting service in Riverside, CA you can count on to take care of your cat and your home while you're away! The client profile is designed for the client to fill out and is all about the client, or pet owner. Pet insurance pays, partly or in total, for veterinary treatment of the insured person's ill or injured pet.