To start a case, you must use the Conciliation Court Claim Form. Filling Out the Form.A Petition for NoFault Arbitration and itemization of claim is filed with the American Arbitration Association's. Complete the form and attach all of the documents noted above;. 4. To file an online petition go to our Online Forms page and fill out the form you wish to submit or download one of our downloadable forms. This AGREEMENT, hereinafter referred to as the AGREEMENT, is entered into between the County of Hennepin, hereinafter. EMPLOYEES are appealable up to and through the arbitration step of the grievance procedure contained in this AGREEMENT. Arbitration is similar to going to court, but faster, cheaper and less complex than litigation. If the case settles, an arbitration will last around one year. The National LGBT Bar Association is a national association of lawyers, judges and other legal professionals, law students, activists and affiliated.