Would you like to know how to translate Arbitrage to Persian? This page provides all possible translations of the word Arbitrage in the Persian language.The meaning of arbitrage in persian is ŲÆŲ§ŁŲ±Ū Ś©Ų±ŲÆŁ. What is arbitrage in persian? Translation of "arbitrage" into Persian. If you operate one or more short term residential rentals in the City, you must complete this free registration process. Arbitrage sports betting is a practice that involves gamblers betting on all possible outcomes of a sports event to guarantee profit. This report uses the following broad working definitions of art, antiquity, and cultural object are included. Translate "arbitrage" from English to Persian - "Ų¢Ų±ŲØŪŲŖŲ±Ų§Ś". Riba is an Arabic word used in Islamic law, exploitative gains made in trade or business.