The New York City Deferred Compensation Plan has been with you throughout your working life and can continue with you throughout retirement. Submit your forms as follows: 1) Inquries and questions can be sent via email to the Plan.Learn more about your retirement plan and what it offers. By mail: County of San Diego. Plans eligible under 457(b) allow employees of sponsoring organizations to defer income taxation on retirement savings into future years. Deferred compensation plans are designed for state and municipal workers, as well as employees of some tax-exempt organizations. Benefit Distribution Request (PDF) (PDF) – Start the process needed to request a distribution from the Plan. The City of San Diego offers employees tax-deferred retirement savings plans to help employees achieve a financially secure retirement. Oversaw the operation and administration of the County's Deferred Compensation Program, including the 457, 401 (a), and Terminal Pay Plans. To initiate your terminal payout, please complete the Terminal Pay Plan Request Form below.