Facilitate lease-to-purchase agreements in Pennsylvania with our customizable template. Ensure a clear transition to homeownership.A Pennsylvania residential purchase agreement establishes a legal arrangement between a buyer and a seller in a real estate transaction. Our legal team can help you smoothly manage the commercial real estate purchase or leasing process. These forms will assist you with property assessments, filing deeds and obtaining a certified copy of military discharge papers. The Guide explains what you should know when applying to rent, living in a rented property, and dealing with the end of a lease. A lease is an agreement between a landlord and a tenant that allows the tenant to occupy and use the property for a certain amount of time in exchange for rent. PAR's Buyer Agency Contract includes all of the legallyrequired language and allows for a buyer's broker fee to be structured in several ways. Pennsylvania law has many different rules surrounding breaking a lease agreement, especially when it comes to ending it before it expires.