When you sell your business, you may need to report all or part of the sale on your excise tax return. Also, you may be required to collect retail sales tax.Persons selling their business must file a final tax return, with payment, within 10 days of the sale. Both the seller and purchaser of a group of assets that makes up a trade or business must use Form 8594 to report such a sale. Sale or Close of Business Reporting Form (PDF). Instructions for completing the paper listing form are on the form itself and can also be accessed on the Skagit County Assessor website. The Washington Department of Revenue has issued guidance regarding the taxability of sales of business assets. This page provides an overview of sales and use taxes for local governments in Washington State, including the various sales tax options available. Apply online: Go to FileLocal to apply for a Bellevue business license. Click on "Create Business Account"; Set up New Business Account.