The Deferred Compensation Option is a competitive, easy-to-manage benefit you can offer your employees at no additional cost to your schools. Examples of fringe benefits include 401(k) deferred compensation, profit sharing, and cafeteria benefit plans.Supplemental Unemployment Benefits. Do not submit completed payout forms prior to actual termination date with State of Michigan. Employees need to contact Wayne County Retirement prior to last day of employment to complete the "WCERS Deferred Compensation Plan – Change Request Form". This Order applies to benefits under the 457 Plan known as the State of Michigan. Completing this package indicates that you are not eligible for a loan from the Deferred Compensation Plan. If you are eligible to take out a Deferred. 457(b) Deferred Compensation Plan ; What contributions are available? To obtain contribution information regarding this plan, contact TIAA at 800-842-2252.