Alaska Learn to Recognize the Red Flags of Guardian Financial Abuse is a free educational program designed to help individuals recognize and respond to signs of financial exploitation of seniors and adults with disabilities in Alaska. The program provides information on the common types of guardian financial abuse, how to identify early warning signs, and how to take action if exploitation is suspected. The program is divided into three parts: 1) Recognizing Red Flags: In this section, participants learn the common warning signs of guardian financial abuse, such as sudden changes in spending habits, large cash withdrawals, and an inability to access bank accounts or other financial resources. 2) Responding to Red Flags: In this section, participants learn how to take action if they suspect financial exploitation, such as contacting law enforcement, filing a report with Adult Protective Services, and consulting with an attorney. 3) Preventing Financial Abuse: In this section, participants learn how to protect themselves and their loved ones from financial exploitation by establishing safeguards like bank account monitoring and creating a power of attorney. Alaska Learn to Recognize the Red Flags of Guardian Financial Abuse is an important resource for anyone who wants to ensure the safety and well-being of seniors and adults with disabilities in Alaska.